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Writer's picture: basketballpaisleybasketballpaisley

Tier 4 has hit basketball in Renfrewshire and surrounding areas once again and our sport has been ground to a halt.

We have attempted to be innovative... with the help of U16 players (Alex, Joe, Gregor, Tina and Freya) we got to work bringing basketball to the homes of our young aspiring basketball community.

Under the orders of Chris Cleary, our Basketball Development Officer - Liam Stevenson - brought together these young people and created 4 videos that will be released weekly, delivering short basketball sessions that will allow children to develop their skills at home. We started with passing focussing on the basics and giving the parents an opportunity to join in and practice with their child.

We have created sessions based on shooting, ball handling and some more advanced ball handling drills that are due to come out over the coming weeks, making us the first club in Scotland to provide an online platform for children to develop their skills.

Could this be a potential future for player development? Club led at home development when basketball is out of action, giving the new generation the ability to work and develop from the comfort of their own homes.

Let us know your thoughts on the idea of at home instructional videos for young players, should they be made more readily available? Is it something our national programmes could be developing for players?

Check out our at home workout videos and let us know what you think:

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